Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Open Your Heart, O Man, Devote Time to Prayer
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on January 8, 2025

My beloved daughter, write what I say to you for My beloved people.
Beloved My people, prepare yourself,I am about to extinguish the false lights of this world, convert by returning to Me, ...lend an ear, listen to the voice of your God, only in It will you have victory and salvation.
God is with you, O man, do not be unaware of this. I call you back to Me, listen to My voice and follow Me, I want to make you great in Me, I desire to give you of Me, you belong to Me, O man, I am your Creator.
Open your heart to Me, there is no more time for the things of the world, do not toil for more because everything will remain here, think instead of saving yourself, devote time to prayer, repent, do not be foolish, O man.
A deafening thunder is about to be felt by this Humanity that will be shaken and tested.
The earth's crust will crack!
Volcanoes erupt!
Strong earthquakes and hurricanes are coming!
The destruction on Earth will be great.
I call mankind to conversion, to urgent repentance.
Do not be unbelieving to these My warnings, O men, I desire to bring you back to Me, I want to save you, allow Me to do so by returning to Me, recognizing Me as your Creator.
Let Me embrace you, I long to have you back to Me and dedicate you of Me, make you happy in Me.
Close with the absurd things that prevail in this world, Evil has succeeded in destroying much good by imposing cursed sin, its infinite pride it defies the Creator God, but its end is near.
Convert, O man, convert before it is too late.
Source: ➥